March 8, 2024

Top 21 Basic Java Programming Interview Questions In 2024


Java programming interview


Java programming interviews often include a diverse range of questions designed to assess candidates’ knowledge, problem-solving skills, and understanding of fundamental concepts. Mastering these questions is crucial for anyone aspiring to excel in Java development roles. In this collection of the top 21 Java programming interview questions, we will explore inquiries that span various difficulty levels, covering topics such as object-oriented programming, data structures, multithreading, exception handling, and more. Whether you are a seasoned Java backend developer or preparing for your first programming interview, delving into these questions will not only enhance your technical proficiency but also sharpen your ability to think critically and solve complex problems in a Java-centric context. Let’s unravel the intricacies of Java programming through these carefully curated interview questions.

basic Java programming

Top 11 Java Programming Interview Questions: Theoretical Depths Of Java

Basic java programs questions are frequently posed in interviews to evaluate a candidate’s depth of understanding conceptual knowledge of the language. Assessing theoretical aspects helps interviewers gauge the candidate’s grasp of fundamental Java concepts, design principles, and best practices. These questions go beyond mere coding skills and delve into the reasoning behind certain language features, design patterns, and programming paradigms. By posing theoretical questions, interviewers seek to ascertain whether candidates possess a solid foundation in Java and can articulate their understanding effectively. This approach aids in identifying individuals who not only write functional code but also comprehend the underlying principles, enabling them to make informed decisions and write robust, maintainable, and scalable Java applications.

Here are Top 11 Interview questions which deals with Java:

1. Difference between C++ and Java

C++ and Java, both powerful programming languages, exhibit notable differences in their design, application, and usage. One fundamental distinction lies in their approach to platform independence. C++ is a compiled language, and its programs are typically written to execute directly on a specific machine architecture, requiring recompilation for different platforms. On the other hand, Java is designed with a “Write Once, Run Anywhere” philosophy, utilizing the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to achieve platform independence. Java code is compiled into an intermediate bytecode, which can run on any system with a compatible JVM, offering greater portability.

Another significant difference revolves around memory management. C++ gives Java developers direct control over memory allocation and deallocation using pointers, providing flexibility but also opening the door to potential memory-related errors. In contrast, Java employs automatic garbage collection, reducing the burden on developers to manage memory explicitly. While this simplifies memory handling and enhances robustness in Java, it can introduce some performance overhead compared to the fine-tuned control available in C++. These distinctions in platform independence and memory management contribute to shaping the strengths and trade-offs associated with C++ and Java.

2. Why is Java not a pure object-oriented language?

Java is often considered not a pure object-oriented language because it incorporates primitive data types, such as int and char, which are not objects. In pure object-oriented languages, everything is treated as an object, and operations are performed through the invocation of methods on objects. However, in Java, primitive data types are used for basic and efficient data storage and manipulation, deviating from the strict paradigm of treating everything as an object. While Java promotes object-oriented programming principles, the inclusion of primitive data types allows for improved performance and more direct interaction with low-level system functionalities, striking a balance between object-oriented design and practical efficiency.

3. Mention the Features of Java Programming Language

  • Platform Independence: Basic Java programs can run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), providing platform independence.
  • Object-Oriented: Java follows the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, promoting the use of classes and objects for modular and reusable code.
  • Simple and Easy to Learn: Java was designed to be easy to learn and use, with a syntax that is similar to C++ to facilitate the transition for developers.
  • Automatic Memory Management: Java incorporates automatic garbage collection, relieving developers from manual memory management tasks.
  • Multithreading: Java supports concurrent programming through its built-in multithreading capabilities, allowing for the execution of multiple threads simultaneously.
  • Exception Handling: Java has a robust exception handling mechanism, enabling developers to manage and recover from runtime errors effectively.
  • Rich Standard Library: Java comes with an extensive standard library that provides a wide range of utilities and frameworks for various tasks, simplifying development.
  • Security: Java emphasizes security with features such as the sandboxing of applets and the use of a security manager to control access to system resources.
  • Distributed Computing: Java supports the development of distributed applications through technologies like RMI (Remote Method Invocation) and JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface).
  • Dynamic and Extensible: Java allows dynamic loading of classes, making it possible to extend and modify the functionality of a program during runtime.
  • High Performance: While not as low-level as some languages, Java achieves good performance through its Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and optimization techniques.
  • Community Support: Java has a large and active community, providing extensive documentation, tutorials, and a wealth of third-party libraries and frameworks.

4. Differentiate between instance and local variables.

Instance variables are associated with the entire class and represent the state of an object, while local variables are confined to the scope in which they are declared and are typically used for temporary storage within methods or blocks of code.


Instance Variables

Local Variables


Declared within a class, outside of any method

Declared within a method or a block of code


Accessible throughout the entire class

Limited to the scope (block or method) where declared


Exists as long as the object it belongs to exists

Created when the method or block is entered, destroyed when it exits


Automatically initialized with default values if not explicitly set

Must be explicitly initialized before use

Storage Location

Allocated memory when an object is created

Allocated memory when the method or block is executed


Associated with an instance of a class

Limited to the block or method where declared


Used to represent the state of an object

Used for temporary storage within a method or block


java public class MyClass { int x; }

java public void myMethod() { int y; }

5. Name the Memory Allocations in Java and explain them in brief.

In Java, memory allocations primarily involve the management of memory for objects and data structures. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) handles memory management, and there are various memory areas for different purposes. Here are some key memory allocations in Java:

  • Heap Memory:
    The heap is the main memory area where objects are allocated. All Java objects reside in the heap, and memory for objects is dynamically allocated and reclaimed by the garbage collector. The heap is shared among all threads, and it is where the new objects are created during the execution of a basic Java program.
  • Stack Memory:
    Each thread in a Java application has its own stack memory. The stack is used to store local variables and method call information. It operates in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) fashion, and each method call creates a new stack frame. Primitives and references to objects are stored in the stack, but not the objects themselves.
  • Method Area (Metaspace):
    This area stores class structures, method and field data, static variables, and constant pool. In older versions of Java (up to Java 7), the permanent generation (PermGen) was used for this purpose. In Java 8 and later versions, the permanent generation was replaced by Metaspace, which is not part of the heap and is designed to be more flexible.
  • Native Method Stack:
    This memory area is used to support native methods, which are methods written in a language other than Java (e.g., C or C++). It is separate from the Java stack and is used for the execution of native code.
  • PC Register (Program Counter):
    Each thread has its own program counter, which keeps track of the current execution point. It points to the next instruction to be executed in the thread. In Java, the PC register is not directly manipulated by the program and is managed by the JVM.
  • Registers:
    In addition to the PC register, there are processor registers that store intermediate data and results during the execution of instructions. These are not explicitly managed by Java programs but are essential for the underlying hardware and JVM to efficiently execute instructions.
  • What is Data Encapsulation?
    Data encapsulation is one of the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) that involves bundling the data (attributes or properties) and the methods (functions or procedures) that operate on the data into a single unit known as a class. The primary purpose of data encapsulation is to hide the internal details of an object and expose only the necessary functionalities. This concept is often expressed through the idea of “encapsulation” or “information hiding.”

For example:

public class EncapsulationExample {
    private int data; // Private data member


    // Getter method
    public int getData() {
        return data;


    // Setter method
    public void setData(int newData) { = newData;

7. Why does Java not make use of Pointers?

Java avoids direct use of pointers for enhanced security, simplicity, and platform independence. The absence of explicit pointer manipulation helps prevent issues like memory leaks and pointer-related errors, contributing to Java’s robust and safe programming environment.

8. What is the difference between the program and the process?

 Java, a program refers to a set of instructions written in Java programming language, typically stored in one or more source files and compiled into bytecode. A process, on the other hand, is the runtime instance of a Java application that is being executed, including its associated resources, memory space, and threads. Multiple processes can run the same Java program concurrently.

9. What is a Class Loader?

In Java, a Class Loader is a part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that dynamically loads Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) at runtime. It plays a crucial role in the Java class loading mechanism, which is responsible for locating and loading class files into memory.

There are three built-in class loaders in Java:

  1. Bootstrap Class Loader:
    • The Bootstrap Class Loader is responsible for loading core Java libraries located in the %JAVA_HOME%/lib directory. It is an integral part of the JVM and loads classes required for the execution of the Java platform itself.
  2. Extension Class Loader:
    • The Extension Class Loader is an extension of the Bootstrap Class Loader. It loads classes from the %JAVA_HOME%/lib/ext directory, which contains Java Standard Extensions or other third-party extensions.
  3. Application Class Loader:
    • Also known as the System Class Loader, it is responsible for loading classes from the class path specified by the java.class.path system property. It loads application-specific classes, and it is the default class loader for most Java applications.

10. What does the final keyword mean in Java?

In Java, the ‘final’ keyword is a modifier that can be applied to various elements, including classes, methods, and variables. 

Final variable – When applied to a variable, the final keyword indicates that the variable’s value cannot be changed once it has been assigned. It makes the variable a constant. For example:

final int MAX_VALUE = 100;

Final method – When applied to a method, the final keyword indicates that the method cannot be overridden by subclasses. Subclasses are not allowed to provide a different implementation for a final method. For example:

public class BaseClass {

    public final void display() {

        System.out.println(“This is a final method.”);



Final Class – When applied to a class, the final keyword indicates that the class cannot be subclassed. It prevents the creation of subclasses that would extend the behavior of the final class. For example:

public final class FinalClass {

    // Class implementation


11. Why is Java considered as a platform independent language?

 Java is considered platform-independent due to its “Write Once, Run Anywhere” (WORA) philosophy. Java source code is compiled into an intermediate form called bytecode, which is platform neutral. This bytecode is then executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is platform specific. As long as a JVM is available for a specific platform, Java programs can run on any device or operating system, abstracting away hardware and platform differences. This portability is achieved through the combination of bytecode and the JVM, making Java an excellent choice for cross-platform development. Additionally, Java’s standardization by the Java Community Process contributes to its platform independence.

To know the top Java Developer skills to master, Click on: Mastering Java Developer Skills in 2024

Java programming language

Top 11 Java Coding Interview Questions

  1. Write a Java Program to print Fibonacci series using Recursion.

public class FibonacciRecursive {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int n = 10; // Adjust the value of ‘n’ for desired number of Fibonacci terms

        System.out.println(“Fibonacci Series up to ” + n + ” terms:”);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            System.out.print(fibonacci(i) + ” “);




    public static int fibonacci(int num) {

        if (num <= 1) {

            return num;

        } else {

            return fibonacci(num – 1) + fibonacci(num – 2);




In this program, the Fibonacci method is a recursive function that calculates the Fibonacci number for a given index. The main method prints the Fibonacci series up to a specified number of terms (n). You can adjust the value of n in the program to get the desired number of Fibonacci terms.


  1. Write a Java program to check if the two strings are anagrams. 

import java.util.Arrays;


public class AnagramChecker {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String str1 = “listen”;

        String str2 = “silent”;


        if (areAnagrams(str1, str2)) {

            System.out.println(str1 + ” and ” + str2 + ” are anagrams.”);

        } else {

            System.out.println(str1 + ” and ” + str2 + ” are not anagrams.”);




    public static boolean areAnagrams(String str1, String str2) {

        // Remove spaces and convert to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison

        str1 = str1.replaceAll(“\\s”, “”).toLowerCase();

        str2 = str2.replaceAll(“\\s”, “”).toLowerCase();


        // Check if the lengths are the same

        if (str1.length() != str2.length()) {

            return false;



        // Convert strings to character arrays and sort them

        char[] charArray1 = str1.toCharArray();

        char[] charArray2 = str2.toCharArray();





        // Compare sorted character arrays

        return Arrays.equals(charArray1, charArray2);



This program defines a function are Anagrams that takes two strings as input and returns true if they are anagrams and false otherwise. The main method demonstrates the usage by checking if two example strings, “listen” and “silent,” are anagrams. You can modify the values of str1 and str2 to test other pairs of strings.

  1. Write a Java Program to find the factorial of a given number.

import java.util.Scanner;


public class FactorialCalculator {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        System.out.print(“Enter a number to find its factorial: “);

        int number = scanner.nextInt();


        long factorial = calculateFactorial(number);


        System.out.println(“Factorial of ” + number + ” is: ” + factorial);





    public static long calculateFactorial(int n) {

        if (n < 0) {

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(“Factorial is not defined for negative numbers.”);


        if (n == 0 || n == 1) {

            return 1;

        } else {

            return n * calculateFactorial(n – 1);




In this program, the calculate Factorial method is a recursive function that calculates the factorial of a given number. The main method takes user input, calls the calculate Factorial method, and then prints the result. The program handles the case of a negative input by throwing an Illegal Argument Exception.


  1. Write a Java Program to check if any number is a magic number or not.

A magic number is a number in which the iterative process of summing its digits eventually leads to a single-digit result, and that single digit is 1.

import java.util.Scanner;


public class MagicNumberChecker {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        System.out.print(“Enter a number to check if it’s a magic number: “);

        int number = scanner.nextInt();


        if (isMagicNumber(number)) {

            System.out.println(number + ” is a magic number.”);

        } else {

            System.out.println(number + ” is not a magic number.”);






    public static boolean isMagicNumber(int num) {

        while (num > 9) {

            int sum = 0;

            while (num > 0) {

                sum += num % 10;

                num /= 10;


            num = sum;


        return num == 1;



In this program, the is Magic Number method checks if the given number is a magic number using the iterative process of summing its digits until a single-digit result is obtained. The main method takes user input, calls the is Magic Number method, and then prints whether the entered number is a magic number or not.


  1. Write a Java program to create and throw custom exceptions. 


class CustomException extends Exception {

    public CustomException(String message) {





public class CustomExceptionExample {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {

            int age = -5;


        } catch (CustomException e) {

            System.out.println(“Caught CustomException: ” + e.getMessage());




    public static void validateAge(int age) throws CustomException {

        if (age < 0) {

            throw new CustomException(“Age cannot be negative.”);

        } else {

            System.out.println(“Valid age: ” + age);




In this example, Custom Exception is a custom exception class that extends the built-in Exception class. The validate Age method checks if the provided age is negative, and if so, it throws a Custom Exception with a specific error message.

In the main method, we demonstrate how to use this custom exception by calling validate Age with a negative age. The program catches the thrown Custom Exception and prints the error message.

  1. Write a java program to reverse a string.

import java.util.Scanner;


public class StringReversal {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        System.out.print(“Enter a string to reverse: “);

        String inputString = scanner.nextLine();


        String reversedString = reverseString(inputString);


        System.out.println(“Reversed string: ” + reversedString);





    public static String reverseString(String str) {

        char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();

        int start = 0;

        int end = charArray.length – 1;


        while (start < end) {

            // Swap characters at start and end indices

            char temp = charArray[start];

            charArray[start] = charArray[end];

            charArray[end] = temp;


            // Move indices towards the center





        // Convert the character array back to a string

        return new String(charArray);



In this program, the reverse String method takes a string as input and reverses it using a two-pointer approach. The main method takes user input, calls the reverseString method, and then prints the reversed string. The program reads the input string using Scanner and handles both single-word and multi-word input strings.


  1. Write a Java program to rotate arrays 90 degree clockwise by taking matrices from user input. 


import java.util.Scanner;


public class RotateMatrix {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        // Input matrix dimensions

        System.out.print(“Enter the number of rows: “);

        int rows = scanner.nextInt();


        System.out.print(“Enter the number of columns: “);

        int cols = scanner.nextInt();


        // Input matrix elements

        int[][] matrix = new int[rows][cols];

        System.out.println(“Enter the matrix elements:”);


        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {

                matrix[i][j] = scanner.nextInt();




        // Rotate the matrix 90 degrees clockwise

        int[][] rotated Matrix = rotate Clockwise(matrix);


        // Display the original and rotated matrices

        System.out.println(“\nOriginal Matrix:”);



        System.out.println(“\nRotated Matrix 90 degrees clockwise:”);






    public static int[][] rotateClockwise(int[][] matrix) {

        int rows = matrix.length;

        int cols = matrix[0].length;


        int[][] rotatedMatrix = new int[cols][rows];


        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {

                rotatedMatrix[j][rows – 1 – i] = matrix[i][j];




        return rotatedMatrix;



    public static void displayMatrix(int[][] matrix) {

        for (int[] row : matrix) {

            for (int value : row) {

                System.out.print(value + ” “);






This program takes user input for the number of rows and columns, then prompts the user to input the matrix elements. After that, it rotates the matrix 90 degrees clockwise using the rotate Clockwise method and displays both the original and rotated matrices.

  1. Write a Java program for solving the Tower of Hanoi Problem.


The Tower of Hanoi problem involves moving a stack of disks from one rod to another, subject to the constraint that only one disk can be moved at a time, and no disk can be placed on top of a smaller disk. The solution is recursive and follows a specific pattern.


import java.util.Scanner;


public class TowerOfHanoi {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        System.out.print(“Enter the number of disks: “);

        int numberOfDisks = scanner.nextInt();


        System.out.println(“Steps to solve Tower of Hanoi with ” + numberOfDisks + ” disks:”);

        solveTowerOfHanoi(numberOfDisks, ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘B’);





    public static void solveTowerOfHanoi(int n, char source, char destination, char auxiliary) {

        if (n == 1) {

            System.out.println(“Move disk 1 from ” + source + ” to ” + destination);




        solveTowerOfHanoi(n – 1, source, auxiliary, destination);

        System.out.println(“Move disk ” + n + ” from ” + source + ” to ” + destination);

        solveTowerOfHanoi(n – 1, auxiliary, destination, source);



In this program, the solve Tower Of Hanoi method is a recursive function that prints the steps to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem for a given number of disks. The main method takes user input for the number of disks and then calls the solve Tower Of Hanoi method to display the steps.

  1. Implement Binary Search in Java using Recursion.

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Scanner;


public class BinarySearchRecursive {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        System.out.print(“Enter the size of the array: “);

        int size = scanner.nextInt();


        int[] array = new int[size];

        System.out.println(“Enter sorted elements of the array:”);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            array[i] = scanner.nextInt();



        System.out.print(“Enter the element to search: “);

        int target = scanner.nextInt();


        int index = binarySearchRecursive(array, target, 0, size – 1);


        if (index != -1) {

            System.out.println(“Element ” + target + ” found at index ” + index);

        } else {

            System.out.println(“Element ” + target + ” not found in the array”);






    public static int binarySearchRecursive(int[] array, int target, int low, int high) {

        if (low <= high) {

            int mid = low + (high – low) / 2;


            if (array[mid] == target) {

                return mid; // Element found

            } else if (array[mid] < target) {

                return binarySearchRecursive(array, target, mid + 1, high); // Search in the right half

            } else {

                return binarySearchRecursive(array, target, low, mid – 1); // Search in the left half




        return -1; // Element not found



In this program, Binary Search Recursive is a recursive function that performs binary search on a sorted array. The main method takes user input to create a sorted array and then searches for a target element using binary search. If the element is found, it prints the index; otherwise, it indicates that the element is not present in the array.


  1. Write a Program to remove duplicates in an Array List.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashSet;

import java.util.Scanner;


public class RemoveDuplicatesArrayList {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        // Create an ArrayList

        ArrayList<Integer> numbersList = new ArrayList<>();


        System.out.print(“Enter the number of elements in the ArrayList: “);

        int n = scanner.nextInt();


        System.out.println(“Enter the elements:”);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            int num = scanner.nextInt();




        // Remove duplicates



        // Display the ArrayList after removing duplicates

        System.out.println(“ArrayList after removing duplicates: ” + numbersList);





    public static void removeDuplicates(ArrayList<Integer> list) {

        // Create a HashSet to store unique elements

        HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();


        // Iterate through the ArrayList and add elements to the HashSet

        // HashSet automatically handles duplicates by allowing only unique elements

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {




        // Clear the original ArrayList



        // Add elements back to the ArrayList from the HashSet




In this program, the removeDuplicates method utilizes a HashSet to efficiently remove duplicates from the Array List. The HashSet ensures that only unique elements are stored. After removing duplicates, the unique elements are added back to the original Array List. The program takes user input to create an Array List and then displays the Array List after removing duplicates.


  1. Check if a given string is palindrome using recursion. 


import java.util.Scanner;


public class PalindromeChecker {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;


        System.out.print(“Enter a string to check if it’s a palindrome: “);

        String inputString = scanner.nextLine();


        if (isPalindrome(inputString)) {

            System.out.println(“‘” + inputString + “‘ is a palindrome.”);

        } else {

            System.out.println(“‘” + inputString + “‘ is not a palindrome.”);






    public static boolean isPalindrome(String str) {

        // Convert the string to lowercase to make the comparison case-insensitive

        str = str.toLowerCase();


        // Base case: if the string has 0 or 1 character, it’s a palindrome

        if (str.length() <= 1) {

            return true;



        // Recursive case: check if the first and last characters are equal

        if (str.charAt(0) == str.charAt(str.length() – 1)) {

            // Recursively check the substring excluding the first and last characters

            return isPalindrome(str.substring(1, str.length() – 1));

        } else {

            return false;




In this program, the Palindrome method is a recursive function that checks if a given string is a palindrome. The main method takes user input for a string and then calls the Palindrome method to determine whether the entered string is a palindrome or not. The program prints the result accordingly.

Java programming


In conclusion, mastering the top 21 Java programming interview questions, encompassing both theoretical concepts and coding exercises, is crucial for any aspiring Java backend developer. These questions touch upon fundamental principles such as object-oriented programming, memory management, and platform independence. Theoretical understanding of concepts like encapsulation, polymorphism, and exception handling is essential, while hands-on experience with coding exercises, such as implementing data structures, searching and sorting algorithms, and solving problems like the Tower of Hanoi or checking for palindromes, strengthens one’s problem-solving skills. Preparing for such questions equips candidates with the knowledge and proficiency needed to excel in basic Java programming interviews, demonstrating their ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world coding challenges. Overall, a comprehensive grasp of these questions ensures that candidates are well-prepared to showcase their Java backend expertise and secure success in interviews.

To know the Responsibilities of a Java developer, Click on: Roles and Responsibilites of Java Backend Developers.

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